FirsTime Writing To Get Published July 8 to July 12, 2000

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Night in the Woods by AV

Alexa and her older brother decided to go on a walk in the woods at night because they were bored. Once they entered the woods, Alexa got scared and told her older brother to leave but he didn't listen to me. Alexa told him again but this time he said nothing but look. They would have never thought that we would have seen such a sight, a dead person.

Her brother said, "let's turn back!" We tried running back but got separated from each other and couldn't find the way back to our house. But after a couple minutes of searching Alexa heard a loud scream from behind me but before she could scream, she was yanked away by her brother who said to never look the creature in the eyes.

The moment you see his eyes your body becomes a part of the monster. My brother also said that that wasn't the only person he had killed. While trying to find the way home, he saw at least 50 others. 

"This creature has committed homicide, and we are his next targets. 

But suddenly they hear rustling, and we decide to stay still and not utter a word.

Couple minutes later, my brother accidentally falls out of their hiding spot and gets exposed to the creature. Alexa didn't look until the thing had left. Once the creature left, I looked down and saw him dead like the others. Alexa wanted to let all my tears out, but she couldn't, or the creature would know she's here.

Ten minutes later Alexa jumped down from the tree and saw her brother's body up close but when she looked a little closer at the body there was a message on the body that read, "I know where you are hiding. I see your every move. You can't hide.”

 Alexa instantly started crying because she was the next victim, and he knew where she was. She heard rustling behind her, and she looked the monster IN THE EYE and never forgot that moment the rest of her life.

*This story has been edited for appropriateness for a G-rated Website.

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