FirsTime Writing To Get Published July 8 to July 12, 2000

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Personal Essay by CP

Six-and-a-half time out of ten, I'm watching cable tv and an R rated horror movie comes on as a commercial.

This should stop. Just imagine a 7-year-old kid is watching his favorite baseball team beat up on their rival. Then a commercial comes on. with a nice catchy tune about burgers...then out of nowhere a scary trailer comes.! The kid closes his eyes but not in time. This kid will have a hard time sleeping tonight just because of a minute-and-a-half of a horror commercial. This has to stop.

The scenario I described has happened to me a multitude of times in my 11 years of life. I know that there are plenty of people who like horror movies.

I have no problem with horror movie trailers on adult targeting programs and channels.

But do we really need them to be a trailer for a G rated movie at the movie theater? 
The answer's, "No."

But one thing that really bothers me about this is when a tv channel says it's playing “a family friendly program” and then five minutes, later whoop-de-do a horror movie trailer!

I'm not saying these things happen all the time, in fact in my area I think the number is going down, but we can make them go down more. People can keep watching horror movies and trailers, but if channels keep putting horror trailers on sites that young children watch, we might be giving children a hard time.

And that's not ok.

The Farmers Market by AM

When I was 5 years old my mother had been invited to her first Farmers market. If you don’t know what Farmers market is, it’s a group of small businesses that set up stands in our park. My mom has a small business Indian - Meal - Kit or IMK for short. I was so excited when we got there, I was going to help my mom sell her stuff! But like every other kid, I got distracted easily. While I was exploring the market I smelled something wonderful like a mix of pancakes, candle scents, rolled ice cream, and more! The fresh dew on the morning grass provided a fresh sensation which was also pleasing to look at. A little ways from our family’s stand was a food van, but instead of a window it came out as a staircase with toys, games, and ice cream. The van was called Kids Cavern and had a couple of adults watching over the kids there. I secretly scammed the lady saying I had two siblings getting two popsicles (my sister was at home)!

I was wandering around the far end of the market and I saw an old lady sitting on a bench alone. Well not completely alone, but with a bag of apples surrounded by squirrels? I asked her why she was sitting alone, and she told me she wasn't. She said she was feeding the future generation of pests. I asked why and she said “everyone has an important role to play in this community and mine is keeping these cute pests under control” she said in a playful tone.“But how do you figure out what your job in the community is?” I asked in wonder. “ You know when you find something you are good at.” “So you are good at feeding squirrels?” I said confused. “ Ha ha no, I just took the job no one wanted!”

I walked back to my mom’s stand and thought about what the old lady said. About being a part of our community, and what you could do to help. So that day I was my mom’s salesperson, that was going to be my job in the market. I loved to talk to people and didn't mind being said no to. By the end of the day we had sold all of our food and drinks! I told my parents what had happened earlier with the old lady, and they were proud I helped.

Breaking News by CP

“I'm Corren Jacobs with daily news. Scenes of terror in Rio today. When four, 15-story alpacas used the colossal Christ the Redeemer statue as a couch to watch 3 movies.

“The leading theory about the alpacas is that they came from Neptune on a mission to watch as many Adam Sandler movies as possible. Why is still unknown.

“When the alpacas arrived, they grabbed their 5-story flat screen and ran up to the statue. When they got to the statue, they proceeded to knock down the monument, place their flat screen on the ground and sit on the fallen statue and watch 3 Sandler movies.
“More on this subject later. Our next segment: kittens: Are they secretly trying to take over the government?

"The answer may surprise you,” said Corren Jacobs.

Sleeping by AM

I’m about to go to bed and I hear a little creak.
I wonder what it is then there's that sound again a small eek.
All these soft sounds are getting louder surrounding my head.
I wish my eardrums stopped working. I wish they were dead!

I think about the soft warm sand with cool waves on the beaches.
But suddenly I get surrounded with cold slimy leeches.
What about the lovely winter wonderland?
Global warming puts snow and winter in high demand!

I try to think happy so I may relax.
Suddenly my math teacher asks me for 10,000 math facts!
What about the calm peaceful nights full of rain.
The pressure of that builds itself into a gigantic hurricane!

Suddenly I woke up from my midnight distress.
Maybe tomorrow night the nightmares will be less.

Stirians by OB

Hi, my name is Christy but you can call me Chris. I live in a place far away from earth and we are called Stirians just like humans are called people. I was born in Polimpia which is in the country of Gardina. In Gardina I wouldn’t say we were human nor would I say we were creatures. I would say we were humans with powers so we thought that the humans would accept us in their world so we built something that would teleport us to earth but when we got there the humans acted like we were invisible and when we told them that we had special powers they just thought we were humans that do magic tricks. So they said to show them a magic trick but then we told them that we actually had powers but then they told us jokingly of course you can, now do one of your little magic tricks and we kept telling them we had real powers multiple but the humans eagerly wanted a magic trick so one of the humans pulled out a gun and said, “Do a magic trick and no one gets hurt.” At that time we didn’t know what gun was so we just stood still while people chanted magic tricks over and over again. Our country was a peaceful place but some Stirians would get mad a little too easily. So there was a girl named Lucy. She was small and in Gardina small Stirians were the most powerful. So when the crowd kept chanting she didn’t like the sound of them so she said, “STOP CHANTING.” And the crowd said she's just a little girl. What does she know? When she heard that she got furious and she had fire powers so she burned the nearest building which was a bank and that was the only bank that people put their money in in the village. When the people saw that all their money was gone they started shooting their guns immediately! Every single Stirian that went to earth died. After that, nobody went to earth again and they destroyed the teleporter. So we kept living our lives and were kind to each other and serving each other but the judge said that we could never ever go beyond Gardina. And everybody agreed because they were scared that they were gonna die. But anyway I was just being born when the whole incident happened and my mom didn’t tell me anything about it because she didn’t want to scare me. When I turned 3 in Gardina we would start school when you were 1 and we were also smarter than humans and at 3 I was already doing division and at school we were going on a field trip and I sat by my best friend on the bus.

Popular Makeup Brand Found To Contain Lead! by RR

In a shocking turn of events, hundreds of young girls have been rushed to hospitals across the USA from the same symptoms as lead poisoning, and the only common ground between these victims is the use of the popular makeup brand known as “Drunk Elephant”. Scientists working alongside the university of cosmetology and school of toxicology have found that although Drunk Elephant has not listed lead as a possible ingredient, lead dye is being used to color products such as lipsticks, blush, eyeshadow, foundation, and many others.

As the FDA is scrambling to recall these products as fast as possible, the brand Drunk Elephant is flying off shelves due to its recent popularity with the youngest generation, known as “Gen Alpha”.

[REDACTED], a patient at St. Flyngor Youth Hospital and victim of Drunk Elephant’s wrongdoings, comments on this problem, stating:

“This is crazy! I mean.. Didn't we find lead poisonous like a billion years ago? I can't believe stuff like this is still happening.”

The founders of Drunk Elephant have yet to respond to the scandal and have since gone missing. The police chief of USA federal investigators states:

“We believe they have gone into hiding, with the recent events and the fact that all their possessions are also missing, including a car.”

Although the first confirmed case of lead poisoning from Drunk Elephants products was May 23rd of This Year, at the time of writing 800 girls under the age of 14 and 200 others have been brought to hospitals and found to have lead in their bloodstream. Cases are rapidly rising and many hospitals are panicking, for they haven't had the space for this many people since covid 19 first started.

If you or a family member have used or own a Drunk Elephant Product, Immediately call the FDA cosmetology hotline at: (248)-434-5508

This is completely fake and for entertainment purposes only.
If you are taking this seriously, don't.

Eat, Eat, and Eat S’More! by IM, and SS

Different foods being eaten everyday
Rice, Hamburgers, Tacos, and so much more
Delicious foods, but kids push it away
They try to throw the food out of the door

Just try a bite you might find it super nice
McDonalds is nice, but try something new
Try these new foods, you’ll be cool as ice
Eat all these new foods, they won’t taste like poo

Eat, eat, and eat everyday it’s okay
Joy comes from trying and eating new foods
You should start eating in the month of May
Try all of these amazing cool foods dude

It’s okay to eat a lot 'cause you slay
If you are happy, you can eat all day

One Time When I Was Six Years Old by AC

One time when I was 6 years old, I was biking with a helmet down a kind of steep hill, and I hit a Ferrari. I blacked out for 3.69 seconds then I yelled at the driver more then my brother yelled at me. I also cut my head in half but that’s not important.

Then it was recommended to get stitches, but I didn’t.
Instead, I got bandages.
I also got an injection in my thigh
The houses on the hill were yelling STOPPPPP to me but I didn’t hear so I crashed.
Three days later was my birthday party

The War In These Walls by KP and RR

Violence is not the key to our problems
Conflict is not the resolution of our issues
Fear is not the condolence in a state of panic
We should feel safe in a place of belonging
We should not have to fear the violence
Or the constant reminders of death
We should not have to fear the loud bangs of guns
Echoing through these halls.
The constant anxiety of hiding behind a door
The only security now are these walls,
But even they seem to chant MORE
More to fuel the machine.
The small conflict between two measly foes
Turns into a raging war...
We all cry out to the sky
To feel safe, WE need more!!
More kindness!
More relief!
More peace!
More LIFE!
More to truly grow again.
The massacre of a school shooting,
The reassurance of a hopeful safe time.